2023 Booking Schedule

Booking is closed

Books will open Sept 1 for fall/winter 2023/24. Look for a newsletter leading up to that date with more information

The Basics

  • All bodies, all identities, all complexions, no judgment

  • Booking is offered ONLY via newsletter. Sign up on home page.

    • If you can’t find the newsletter, check your spam or promotions folder


  • Woodward Studio, a private space in beautiful Southern VT. Exact location will be provided after booking; check the “studio" page for more information.

Rates + Availability:

  • CASH ONLY, no apps. Current rates communicated prior to booking

  • Nonrefundable, nontransferrable first-hour deposit required to book each appointment

  • Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday 11am-pm

How can I book with you?

  • Sign up for my email newsletter (on homepage) and follow the instructions! I don’t book outside of this context. A newsletter will go out when books are open with more information on what I’m looking to book that period and instructions on how to submit a booking form. I usually offer a combination of predrawn projects and customs. The booking form acts as your consultation, so make sure you fill it out intentionally and honestly, as this is the information I will be using to create your piece if I am able to accommodate your request.

  • Books are currently closed

Do you have a wait list?

  • No. In the event that a last-minute opening becomes available, you will get a newsletter with information about how I’m looking to fill the time.

When can I expect a newsletter?

  • Usually once a month or so. Books typically open twice per year for the following six months. This timing allows for flexibility in both of our schedules.

What kinds of projects do you do?

  • I am currently offering mainly predrawn projects and VERY select custom work. When books open, you either choose a predrawn project or submit a complete custom idea via my booking form. Please keep in mind that I am unable to fulfill all of the requests I get, but I do my best to work with as many folks as one human can. If your design doesn't get chosen, please don’t take it personally and feel free to submit again next time! In many cases, I'm interested in your project but simply don't have enough time to accommodate it this round. Please note that I am currently booking blackwork only.

  • Predrawn Projects:

    • When predrawn projects are available to book, I’ll send out a newsletter with a link to browse the season’s designs and submit a proposal. They’re intended to be tattooed only once and exactly as they appear. If your submission is chosen, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to book your appointment date and time, and all I’ll need from you after that is a photo of the area we’ll be working on!

  • Custom Projects:

    • I love taking inspiration from your story and turning it into a piece for you to treasure! However, I am able to accommodate very few custom projects, and only take on projects with clear, decisive subject matter and placements that I’m currently interested in that offer a good amount of creative freedom to interpret and place. Larger scale pieces usually take priority.

      • How does custom booking work?

        • When I am accepting custom proposals, I will send out a newsletter with information about what’s inspiring me and a link to the booking form. If your submission is chosen, you will receive instructions on how to secure your appointment date with a deposit and to further express your vision via the Consultation Form. From there, I’ll create your piece, you’ll come in for your appointment, we’ll review it together, make sure it’s perfect, and get you tattooed!

      • When will I see my design?

        • When you come in for your first appointment, and the drawing you see will be composition-only. You will NOT see drafts of a design in advance; please make sure you are comfortable with that before booking. We will have plenty of consultation time built into your appointment, and designs are very easy to alter, so don’t be shy about voicing your thoughts in person. That said, please be clear about any specific expectations you have in your Consultation Form. If this makes you more nervous than excited, I respect that entirely, and encourage you to find a custom artist whose workflow is better suited to your needs.

I do NOT work with:

  • Coverups (of other tattoos. Scar coverups are A-ok!)

  • Color, unless specified in a predrawn project

  • Additions/modifications to other tattoo artists’ work.

  • Text (outside the context of scientific illustrations)

  • Very small tattoos

  • Ribs, unless it’s part of a larger composition

  • Other artists’ designs (though I’m open to interpreting classical works and select contemporary non-tattoo fine art)

  • Minors

  • Anyone pregnant or breastfeeding — your piece will not heal as well


  • A nonrefundable, nontransferable deposit is required for each appointment booked. It is ONLY applicable to the piece and placement as detailed on the submission form on the date booked, and does NOT come off the price of the tattoo.

  • Any of the following will cause the deposit to be forfeited:

    • Cancelling OR rescheduling your appointment

    • Requesting significant changes to the design or placement

    • Not showing up to your appointment

      • Arrivals later than 30 min. without notice will be counted as a no-show. Lateness beyond 15 minutes after your appointment time is not guaranteed, and if I can accommodate it, it will be billed at my full hourly rate.

Rescheduling policy

  • If you want to reschedule your appointment, the first deposit will be forfeited and a new one required. If you have scheduling concerns or need to reach me regarding anything else pertaining to your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible and use email only, NO DMs. Please let me know ASAP if there is a true emergency. Thank you for your reliability so that I can serve as many folks as possible.

  • No-showing appointment will result in forfeiture of the deposit and we will not work together in the future.

I keep submitting but haven’t gotten picked. Does that mean you don’t want to work with me?

  • No way! I appreciate each and every person who follows my work and gets tattooed. I receive far more submissions than I have space to accommodate, and odds are very good that you’ve simply gotten unlucky. It could also be that our schedules didn’t line up, or that the budget didn’t match the scale of the proposed project. I appreciate your patient persistence!

Are your inks vegan?

  • Always! My goal is to enhance human lives, not detract from animal ones. I also do my best to use as many sustainable products in my tattooing process as possible.

What about plastics?

  • I am committed to making as little of a detrimental impact on the planet as is possible. My setup includes as many biodegradable options as it can, many from Good Judy’s line of biodegradables. Check out their website for more on the materials you’ll encounter at your appointment. At the time of this writing, my drape sheets, table coverings, film wrap, trash bags, ink caps, razors, and in some cases, needle cartridges, are entirely biodegradable.

Do you do scar coverups?

  • Absolutely! Making clients feel good about their bodies is my favorite part of tattooing, and I consider it an honor to be trusted with the vulnerability of dealing with scars. I look forward to turning your scars into something beautiful that you can treasure. The only thing to note about scars is that they need to be at least a couple of years old to be able to work on top of to ensure that the tissue won’t change materially. If you have questions about whether your scars can be covered, feel free to reach out anytime.

What’s up with touch ups?

  • Pieces are designed with longevity in mind, so the vast majority won’t need to be seen again. If you have questions about how your piece has healed, please reach out within six months of the last appointment. Touchups are offered entirely at the artist’s discretion.

A note for traveling clients:

  • I love tattooing out of town clients! However, while quite uncommon, circumstances out of our control do happen (like Covid). If you travel from afar to get tattooed, I will do my absolute best not to throw a wrench into any plans, but know that any costs associated with traveling to your appointment are assumed with full knowledge of this risk and will not be reimbursed by me should something unavoidable come up and I am unable to tattoo you. It’s very unlikely, but if that possibility concerns you, I recommend looking into travel insurance to cover that contingency.

Lastly, thanks to each and every person who follows and supports my work.

It is an absolute honor to be trusted to put my work on your body, and it's one that I do not take for granted. Tattooing can be a powerful tool for healing, inspiring confidence, and reclaiming your own body, and it's a privilege to be a part of your journey. It's my goal to honor that by making your tattooing experience inclusive, comfortable, and positive from start to finish. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. <3